
For my design capstone class, my group and I created AccessNYC, a brand design group initiative in which we decided to address the levels of access (or lack thereof) that people in the NYC community might face. Our project includes a poster design, campaign design, web design, and app design for the brand. I focused on the food aspect of the brand.

the proposal

We noticed that access is one of the three principles of change that address the experiences that utilize tools/services readily available within one’s life. When discussing possible ideas, our common denominators was a general lack of access to things like education, transportation, justice, and more. To address it, we dove deep into access in its most explicit forms and designed something that unifies those different inequalities into a singular idea of access.



This was a great way to work with a group to come up with a unified project that we all saw could be valuable in society. A lot of thought was put into the basis of the project, our mockup choices, and overall design. I got to understand how valuable resources like these are and how important access is to different communities in NYC.


Bridgerton the Musical